Do you sit at a desk all day and find yourself cold and stiff by the end of the day and lacking motivation to move your body after a day’s work? Or alternatively struggle to get up in the mornings and move before heading straight to your desk?
If this sounds like you, then I want to bring to you 5 tips to do this January that will help you get through the winter months.

✨Morning Routine is KEY!
Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier, enjoy a warming drink in bed (fresh ginger and lemon) start the morning slow and steady and stress free!
✨Move your BODY!
Click here to access my yoga library with yoga classes for you to choose from. Go for a walk, a run, dance in your bedroom whatever it is, it doesn’t have to be an hour, any movement is key especially with these colder months! I have a special desk detox 10 minute video for you!
✨Twisting will help back pain!
Do it in bed, on the yoga mat, in the kitchen wherever! Lie down, draw your knees into your chest, cactus your arms, drop your knees to one side. You will thank me later for this one….!
✨Nourishing food for the SOUL!
Eat seasonally, January is ROOT vegetables (like sweet potatoes and carrots), soups, stews, and broths are excellent for providing comfort and essential nutrients. Include foods rich in vitamin C (citrus, kale, and bell peppers) and zinc (pumpkin seeds, beans, and lentils) to boost immunity and keep your energy steady through the colder months. Click here for recipes.

✨ How you sleep is how you live!
Rest and sleep are essential for overall health and well-being because they allow the body and mind to recover, repair, and recharge, setting you up to be able to work hard and stay focused!
I hope these tips will help you get through the cold long month of January. My website has access to regularly updated Yoga Videos of all levels and styles, journaling prompts, recipes and tips, as well as details on the Yoga Retreats that I host, starting with my March Marrakech Yoga Retreat!
If you would like to join my community, I am offering a Pally Talk discount code (PALLYTALK15) for my monthly subscription.
Love Violet xx